Last week we talked about music Performance Royalties, and how you, as a media creator, might have to deal with it. In short, if an artist is from a big music label, they can command specific contracts that grant them the right to royalties. However, most artists get residual royalties through something called a PRO, or Performance Rights Organization. This has little impact on you, or your creations, as they only take revenues generated by the organizations who benefit from the audience hearing the music. In most cases, it only requires you to fill out a cue sheet to the PRO.
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Bard Music
By now some of you might be wondering “What is Bard?” That’s a totally fair question. The music licensing landscape is filled to the brim with music libraries. In fact, there are thousands of them. From the well established music libraries to the solo indie composer, there is no shortage of places to find music. And this is exactly why Bard exists: to make it easier to find music from across all of those libraries from a single place! Let’s dig into this a little bit.